Jaipur earthquake: the capital of Rajasthan, had an earthquake; CCTV captured the severity with which the ground moved.

People in Rajasthan were startled out of their sleep this morning by powerful earthquake shocks. The initial tremor was felt at 4.9 am in Jaipur, the nation’s capital, which served as the earthquake’s epicentre. Up until 4.25 pm, two additional earthquakes were felt after this.

Jaipur earthquake

People in Rajasthan were startled out of their sleep this morning by powerful earthquake shocks. The initial tremor was felt at 4.9 am in Jaipur, the nation’s capital, which served as the earthquake’s epicentre. Up until 4.25 pm, two additional earthquakes were felt after this. The National Centre for Seismology reports that the earthquake had a 4.4 magnitude strength. The earthquake’s epicentre was 4 km from Jaipur and 10 km below the surface of the earth. From this CCTV film, where the camera shook as though there were a heavy storm, it is possible to determine how intense the earthquakes were.

Three trembling occurrences in a moment

People who were in deep slumber when the earthquake’s shocks were felt in Jaipur had their sleep interrupted. People fled their homes in panic. Hanuman Chalisa began to be recited by many people. The images captured by the CCTV cameras give you an indication of the powerful earthquake shocks. At 4.9 in the morning, the initial tremor of the Jaipur earthquake occurred, with an intensity of 4.4. Following this, a second shock with a somewhat lower strength (3.1 on the Richter scale) occurred at 4:22 p.m. After after, Jaipur had its third consecutive round of earthquake vibrations.

At 4.25 in the morning, there was a third tremor, with a Richter scale magnitude of 3.4.
Ukhrul, Manipur, earthquake occurs after Jaipur
The National Centre for Seismology reports that vibrations were also detected immediately after the Jaipur earthquake in Ukhrul, Manipur. At 5.1 am, there were earthquake shocks in Ukhrul, with a Richter scale magnitude of 3.5.

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